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My Childhood Pumpkin Art




It is the eve of all hallows eve and mischief abounds, except of course on the street that cannot be found.

 On a little sandy road, in a house at the end, a hobbled woman lays with no way to bend. 

She has a crooked grin and walks a crooked line, and her belly, inside and out, looks like Frankenstein.

But don’t worry children, do not have fear.  And ignore, if you please the clawing and growling you hear.

Inside these dark narrow halls, behind the cracked yellow walls, lays a woman who is not to be feared at all.

Her insides may be red and her outsides may be blue, but she is a therapist, and would never hurt you.

So if you pass by, on this dark sacred of nights, just be sure to tread softly, not to give HER a fright.


 By Teresa Bennett-Pasquale, “Mischief Night”, October 30th, 2009



Yes, in leu of a quote tonight I thought I would cobble together my own little post-operative ditty and homage to one of my favorite holidays—Halloween.   I am home from the hospital and have finally nestled myself into bed after much struggle against my “restless person syndrome” which compelled me to get up for something every five minutes until my surgery soreness and exhaustion couldn’t take it anymore.

This post will be brief, for reasons including stabbing CO2 aches in my right shoulder and hand as well as the aforementioned soreness that takes quite a bit out of even the fidgetiest of people.  I just wanted to wish, via poem, a wonderful Mischief Night (be good) and Happy Halloween to all and than everyone, both bloggers, bloggees (?), and friends and family who have poured out of every corner a heartfelt thanks. 

I also wanted to say that all my many tids and bits appear to be in good working order and there was little surgical removal of anything which gives me great hopes of a future for my organs and any potential use I might want to have for them.  I will write a lengthier post on the whole endeavor when body and mind allow.  This is as much lucidity I could muster tonight.

Thank you again to all and enjoy your Halloween Weekend!



 “Hold on, man.  We don’t go anywhere with “scary,” “spooky,” “haunted,” or “forbidden” in the title.”

From Scooby-Doo

April 2024

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